Hailing from the scenic town of Aix-en-Provence in southern France, ALIAS initially delved into jazz studies at esteemed conservatoires in Marseille and his hometown. However, feeling stifled by rigid constraints, he ventured out on his own, relocating first to New York and later settling in Montreal, Canada. There, he found success as a contributor to popular TV shows like Big Little Lies and Sharp Objects, where he currently resides. Notably, ALIAS has also served as the musical director for Cirque du Soleil.
Now, the french polymath is unleashing his latest single “EMPTY HEAD“, a pulsating track set to captivate everyone. Following the unveiling of his highly anticipated album “EMBRACE CHAOS“, scheduled for release on April 19th via Simone Records and featuring previously released singles “CURSED” and “TRUTH OR TRUST“, ALIAS showcases his innovative genre-bending prowess once again. With “EMPTY HEAD“, he ventures into uncharted territory, melding intense production with irresistibly catchy hooks, solidifying his position as a crucial figure in contemporary music.
He also told us that “My intention when I created this song was to blend fuzz into hip-hop elements. I had this idea to mix a fuzzy bass with a drum machine and use all the broken cymbals I had and placed them on the floor to create this noisy percussion on the beat. The first 8 bars I recorded really made me want to have Cadence Weapon featured on this track. Kroy and I worked on a few projects together before and I needed to have her unique darkness into the song…“EMPTY HEAD“ is about all the weird and bad sides of ourselves that, in a strange way, we embrace.”
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