Eli Wheeler, better known by his musical alias Earthware, crafts indie pop that intricately weaves melancholy introspection with soft, enveloping instrumentation. Breaking free from the shackles of self-doubt and overthinking that hindered his musical journey, Wheeler emerged with his debut single, the lushly orchestrated “Umbrellas and Parasols“, released in December 2022. With his follow-up track, “See the Sunlight“, Earthware continued to explore the fusion of bossa nova influences with nods to 80s new wave icons such as China Crisis, alongside contemporary indie luminaries like Kings of Convenience and The Clientele.
Earthware‘s latest single, “Juniper Hollow“, serves as a poignant reflection on the perils of placing undue reliance on external sources for happiness. With introspective lyricism, Earthware navigates the bittersweet realization that pinning one’s hopes solely on external factors often leads to disappointment. Drawing inspiration from the smooth, nostalgic vibes of 70s and 80s City Pop icons like Taeko Ohnuki and Haruomi Hosono, as well as the spirited indie pop sounds of the 2000s exemplified by bands like Phoenix and Passion Pit, “Juniper Hollow” delivers a compelling blend of introspection and sonic innovation. Through its evocative melodies and thoughtful introspection, Earthware invites listeners to contemplate the delicate balance between inner fulfillment and external aspirations.
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