Ubiquity Machine: Transforming Music into Social Commentary

From the Radio to the world. Meet Ubiquity Machine.

Ubiquity Machine, a dynamic duo based in Washington DC, made up of Dan Marsh and Howard Rabach, are a different and irreverent band who have transformed their passion for music – played regularly in the DC Metro area – into a project with feet and a head, ready to be shared with the world.

From guitars to well-spoken words, almost like prose, their style mixes rock, alternative and even indie. We think they go further: more than rock, folk or indie, we feel a cult in every word that is uttered – and we find something different, unique and very powerful and potent.

And for this adventure, there’s nothing better than turning on our car radio loud and clear.

Radio” is one of the singles from Ubiquity Machine’s first album – and the focus is fundamental to this journey: the guitar enters our ears and sticks like a plague – it’s contagious, conveys a message and keeps us focused on what will be said from then on.

And the words don’t leave our ears – almost like a brain cleanse, “Radio” addresses the news, sounds, tones and music that we listen to every day on that little sound system. They tell us, we listen and we mould ourselves, regardless of whether or not we accept what they tell us. It’s frightening, real and, at the same time, music that clearly and sublimely touches on essential points in our society.

From Washington DC to the world, Ubiquity Machine have a project with a lot to offer. To be followed closely in the future.

More about Ubiquity Machine:
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