Yvonne Ambrée, also known as Panteon, is a multi-talented artist who writes, records, produces, and performs music that unites disparate elements. Her songs connect time and space, analog and electronic, and introspection and observation, blurring the lines between earth and sky. Originally from Berlin, she now divides her time between her hometown and Brooklyn.
Ambrée‘s most recent project involves a collaboration with Jeremy Page, a producer based in Brooklyn. Together, they have created a unique sound that is both expansive and refined, as well as gentle and persistent. The lush vocal harmonies complement the intricately arranged synthesizer and analog instrumentals, which together provide a rhythmic foundation for listeners to immerse themselves in.
The first song that Yvonne Ambrée wrote with producer Jeremy Page in late 2021 was “Anyone Someone“. Having spent most of the pandemic working alone on her solo project in Berlin, Ambrée was thrilled to be collaborating with other musicians in the same location again. The song explores the concept of longing – whether it is for a person, place, or feeling. When someone is aware of their longing but has no way to fulfill it, it can sometimes feel like a free fall, or they may feel like they are slowly losing their mind (as expressed in the second verse: “the rebel inside of you is confused and what and what not to do…”).
The lyrics suggest that patience and learning from failure are important for understanding oneself and becoming the person one aspires to be, even if it means “trying again and failing again, waking up to see the hurricane…“. Although it may be easy to say, it can be difficult to remember. Ambrée acknowledges that she likely wrote the song as a reminder to herself, but hopes that it can also serve as a reminder to listeners along the way.
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