Paige Kennedy – Love You From a Distance

Have fun forgetting the chorus of this tune.

Paige Kennedy

God, this damn chorus. It’s ingrained forever into our minds. It doesn’t leave. We’ve tried! We’ve done everything in our power. It’s still there. Bollocks.

The brilliance in this goofy chorus is how Kent’s Paige Kennedy sings it: “Love You From a Distance“, they interpolate, and suddenly, the entire thing gets sent into our brains. Damn it, it’s back again in our minds as we write this!

Yeah, “Love You From a Distance” is a certified banger. It’s got goofy synths, a danceable funky beat, and quirky vocals. It’s a super fun indie pop jam and you can’t miss out on this. Just have fun in trying to forget the damn chorus after you hear it (clue, if you haven’t realized it by now: you won’t!).

Commenting on the track, Kennedy says: “Falling in love can feel suffocating at the best of times. ‘Love You From A Distance’ explores how having 24/7 access to the person you’re addicted to can leave you unsure of who you are without them. Lockdown induced cabin fever has pressure cooked all of our relationships. This is an anthem for proceeding with caution and maintaining personal space.”
