Canyon Counterpoint – zebulon

Time to dream a little? Stay with Canyon Counterpoint and her debut album, "zebulon"

We all like a nice surprise.

We like being caught off guard, with that face shape where we outline a smile from ear to ear. We live for them – and we generally like to do the same for our dearest ones.

As we roam the far-off Internet world, we are bombarded by a lot of information. Some we like, some not so much – and some fake news along the way. In general, we have to see to believe.

In these searches, we find people who make our eyes twinkle. It’s for their vocal talent, throwing down some guitar or bass riffs, smashing a drum set like a big man, or so many, many other instruments that make the world go round in a rhythmic and synchronized way. Today is one of those days. And we roam from Lisbon to Los Angeles in a few seconds. Through the World Wide Web, of course. Meet Canyon Counterpoint, the most recent alter-ego of Alex Rose.


zebulon cover

Alex Rose is an American singer-songwriter, currently based in Los Angeles. Until arriving on the West Coast of the United States of America, Rose was collecting experiences in cities like Brooklyn, Austin, or Seattle.

Between 2016 and up until then, her first name was used to spread her natural charm, bringing to the world Arcadian Pages, her debut album, from 2017. Fast-forwarding to 2020 – and already under her stage name, Canyon Counterpoint, we welcome with open hands Demos 2005 ~ 2020, a collection of 30 demos, recorded between all the cities presented previously – and which mark a step in the adventure that has been Rose’s life.

With lockdowns, pandemics, and much, much ink running in recent times, we arrive at 2021 – and the first official album, with no demos or other swaps in between. We’re left with the beauty of “Zebulon“. Or a small town in Wake County, North Carolina.

This trip takes just over forty-three minutes – and ten pitstops along the way. The aim is to dream – and with this motto, we arrive at the theme “a griffith park canary“. A melancholy piano hangs in the air, with Canyon’s voice empowering the rest of our imagination. Precious.

dear zarathustra” is a less classical and more electronic transformation – but always with vocal power at the forefront. The junction is incredible as if from an intimate poetry reading it’s wandering through our ears.

And if it’s two steps from classical to electronic, it’s three to the more rocky dream pop. And “crosses” is just that, a story of well-being reminiscent of St. Vincent.

In the fourth tone, “this is bob dylan to me“. And the truth is that, for any fan of the maestro, the feeling is always that he is talking to us. Yes, us – like a private message. And the truth is that Rose takes that message and launches it into our most creative imaginations.

We’ve reached the halfway point. And with her, “atavistic fortunes and species counterpoint“. It reminds us of Lana del Rey, the indie princess we all admired. And that’s the best compliment we can give these songs.

We arrive at the album’s single, giant. With rhythms that promise to leave us plugged in, it speaks of love and the loss of that same flame – in a Hollywoodesque dream scenario in Marfa, Texas. Vibrant.

We move on to “one week in a life“, recorded during the quarantine and guaranteed to be one of the songs of our lives: because all of us, from the youngest to the oldest, spend these days differently. And here we feel the main focus on the artist’s thoughts – and everything around her during an atypical lockdown.

We are hungry. And it’s with her that we attack “tiramisu“, the famous dessert that makes our bellies churn. And our heads. Ah, and, at this moment, the ears. With an electronic and dream-pop tone, we feel the crossover between the first bite and the entry of the same in our mouth. The taste, the rhythm, those goosebumps that almost seem childlike with happiness. Tasty, we must say.

After eating, we need to get a few calories out of our bodies. It’s time to “run“. And a more melancholic and poetic version of the artist, again. We are delighted, with an urge to watch live, in an intimate venue.

Canyon Counterpoint, or rather Alex Rose is definitely one of those well-kept surprises of the internet. We embraced “zebulon” and, out of nowhere, were surrendered to the artist’s such quality. A WtMM recommendation.

More on Canyon Counterpoint:
Instagram Website YoutubeSpotify