Daphné Brissetes and Guillaume Chiasson have been friends for a lot of years. Together with Étienne Côté, Mélissa Fortin and Alex Burger they are Bon Efant. Described as an anthology of 70s pop with bits of disco and rock, their sonority is not only unpredictable but also perhaps and in reality undescribable. For us it was immediate, and we believe will be to almost anyone: an immediate certainty of something great. A sonority that is beyond fresh to the actual music panorama, and a spirit that can only mean an incredible future!
If you don’t believe us, or if you are by now doubting what we’ve just written, just press the play button below.
The guitar riffs are automatic of greatness. Like a machine gun of good taste and groovy vibes that immediately involves the listener into a mystic vibe and a place of wonder. The psych sonority is evident from the first moment, but it’s in the overwhelming flow that works as an instant bait that the most overwhelming elements are. And overwhelming is the right word. As the guitar continues in the background there are strong drums, big hooks, exciting vocal French vocal-choir elements, and always, ALWAYS, a superb feeling of distinctiveness and involvement. Mind-blowing for sure. Exciting. And once again, we could write all day and would never be able to properly describe it, or make it justice.
For sure one of the best tracks we heard all year. Knowing that we did not hear anything like this for a long time. And it might take a very long time until we found a new band that surprises us as much as they do. Alien but certainly Bienvenue. This is Magie (magic), from the Canadian Bon Enfant.
Oh and the clip… got us lost for words.
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