Soft Cheese – Bad News

The one kind of cheese I love!

I hope you’re doing great during the holidays. All of you! I’m fine, thanks for asking.

Ever since I came back home, I’ve been deeply addicted to today’s track. Released yesterday (December 25) I couldn’t ask for anything better than a plate of my favorite dairy: Soft Cheese! Actually, I hate cheese: The taste, the mouth-feel, the smell… I love it on lasagna and pizza, obviously, (I’m a human) but it still is one of the things I cannot eat since I was a little kid.

Probably, the one cheese I really love is this Portland trio. And I’m pretty fine with that. I see all around me, people going completely nuts with cheeses and now I can be a part of it, thanks to Hugh Jepson, Annie Miranda, and Dustin Stallings.

If you’re into grunge, you will like them as I do. Are you into Cocteau Twins? Shoegaze? Oh, you’ll love these guys as well! I got my first listen when they released Raspberries (which got me addicted from the first second) but Soft Cheese is synonymous with catchiness and I just got addicted again!

Bad News is the name of their latest and is incredibly well composed! Co-produced by Cameron Spies, the track is filled with atmosphere and windy air, a lot of chorus-guitar in layers, an abusive-sounding bassline, and an enormous drum sound, just as grunge should be. It beautifully (and perfectly) contrasts with the very spacey soft harmonized vocals that drive the whole song to a place where I only feel small and comfortable.

The poem is both personal and universal: Hugh invites us to go deep into his matters and nightmares to touch us with our own problems and issues. Originally written from a romantic perspective, Bad News is mostly sad, dealing with loss and “unwanted advances” but it turns out to be a great way to close a chapter and start again, something we all will eventually need to do.

What can I say? I love this guys and this is another must-listen from Soft Cheese!
