[PREMIERE] Tired Runner – Port Song

Intensely and dramatically introspective also filled with exterior power. This is Tired Runner first song.

Tired Runner Port Song

Here and there we get the humbling opportunity of premiering a new band. Today we are honoured to premiere Tired Runner, and their first track Port Song. A song so good it is unforgettable, with all the ingredients to turn into a massive cult.

To be released in two days, Port Song is played and produced by Daniel, and sung by Dee. And just like that Tired Runner are introduced. This simplicity and the will of letting music speak-by-itself seems to be a strong trace of a band from “somewhere in England, who cares where?”. And Port Song, is abstract also in a way it’s the listener choice which paths to take while listening to it. We can perhaps anticipate a scenery of a sea crossing, or the metaphor that crossing represents in terms of a relationship. Strong is however, the word that can better describe it. In the sense of melody – that so easily echoes through our ears – , in the lyrical sense – as words get stronger as the song progresses -, and instrumentally – that makes us shift to our soul so easily. 

Tired Runner words about it are something as vague as beautiful, poetic and introspective:

“The shipping forecast issued by Tired Runner, on behalf of a fractured heart, at every hour and minute of the day and for the period now until never again on this day and every day here after.
The general synopsis at midnight and beyond midnight, into the smallest hours, is:
Low emotive atmospheres west of Rockall expected many miles west of a song sung by midnight tonight. Low Fair Isle glacially moving away rapidly northwards and losing its identity.”

We could spend all day thinking about resemblances and similar sounds. We also have the distinct feeling we would not find much to compare it too. And that is the most rare and liberating feeling a musicoholic can have.

“Don’t swim for sure, don’t look back anymore”
