You know those songs who slightly remind you of those classics you never really forgot? quietype newest song Caroline reminds us of some gorgeous indie-pop Elton John vibes. But it’s not all. The song evolves through several distinct beautiful vibes (and indie genres) and sounds as good as it gets.
Some of its similarities have to do with the vocal tone in the song. Groovy, indie but also modern sounding and complex enough to sound always engaging with the listener. Caroline uses it’s guitar melodies to carry on the feeling of the song and to further involve the user. The track chorus is catchy but leaves space for longevity and it’s very easy to sing along after just a few plays. Of course, the electronic flow that embeds the song sonority helps to make it something special and standing out from so many songs that combine these genres.
Already singing it out loud? Caroline sounds like a happy song but it’s actually about “a relationship that is slowly, quietly fracturing. An elegy to the joys of falling in love – and the pain of falling out of it”. For us, this is a track that can also fall out of its intended meaning. It sounds fresh and happy-going all the time. And very, VERY, catchy.
Caroline is the second-ever single from this Toronto-based band who released the more pop-ish but highly hooking Hold Me Down about one month ago.
More about quietype can be found on the links below: