Pop is getting more and more difficult to surprise and sound fresh. DYLLAN is the exception. One of very few. One Of Us introduces Dyllan to us even though she has almost a dozen of songs out. And the reason is quite simply, the way the vocals sound fresh and engaging, competent and overwhelming. And the way everything keeps sounding unpredictable. We can’t get enough of it.
DYLLAN, which stands for Dylan Nichols, is born in Los Angeles, and build her first songs around a guitar complemented with her vocals. Rapidly she evolved into many more textures and started experimenting with electronic elements on top of everything. The capacity to re-invent sounds and to play with her vocal melodies seems to be immense. And that is obvious not only in One Of Us but also in a lot of her most recent songs – listen to the vocal simplicity against the classical instrumental evolution in Walk Sideways.
One Of Us is actually about the contradiction of not being able to reconcile fundamental differences with your significant other but knowing neither should change for the other. But is also a song that feels like dancing. As much as both feelings seem impossible to reconcile.
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