We’ve been properly introduced to the duo that goes by the name of The Bergamot two months ago when they gave us the distinct honor of premiering the gorgeous Periscope! This happens some times – meeting new bands that we should already know about previously – but it’s quite rare to be able to introduce a new song to the world along with that. That honour, we believe, was given to us because this is a couple of great empaty, and who are above everything very confident of their value.
Well, that’s even more evident just shortly after we listen to their newest song Ceasefire. This is first of all, a very corageous song. One that clearly shows what the duo is capable of.
How to properly put it? We want to start by saying this is a bomb of a song. A bomb in the sense that once you listen to it, there is no coming back from it. Starting in a very clever way, the duo turns into duet soon after the song starts. A duet that hits in the perfect melodies. Various perfect melodies. And most of them we’ve can’t actually completely figure out. And that is something very difficult to achieve. Ceasefire vocal’s are a wonder that can be discovered and re-discovered, as many times as a listener can desire. Without a clear genre, but spaming from corageous pop to folk and experimental rock, the whole song is complex but very VERY rewarding.
At times Jillian’s tone is on top of it. Others is Nathaniel’s tone that dominates the main melody. And each time, the other is backing the thing up. And then, that guitar on the end… The way it comes and goes serving on a gold platter the vocal yeahs… Oh my. So good that The Bergamot should turn into a religion. We are in. Sign us up.
P.S. And we didn’t talk about the video-clip. Just enjoy…
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