Sometimes is way too easy to fall in love with music. Ardyn are yet another band from Strout, Gloucestershire (we might be looking into moving into this place), and one which makes for the best example of this phenomenon. Particularly with their latest single, Together. A simply perfect song.
Well, everything has a reason. With Together, the reason might be the way Ardyn takes us imediatelly back to the past. To those times where we learned to love music through our fathers radio. In that matter, Fleetwood Mac always had a special meaning, always felt distinct, pacy and adventurous, out of the ordinary. Together resembles a Fleetwood Mac song as much and as best as any song can. And common sense knows there is absolutely nothing wrong about being compared to Fleetwood Mac, is there?
The first gentle melodies, the entrance with a dazzling voice, the drum-based pace… And then, the way both voices build themselves to something very magical in the chorus, and the way her voice keeps jumping from an hauntingly beautiful regular tone to an almost crazy melodic one. Just like Stevie Nicks. What a bomb.
Yes, we may just have a new favourite band right here:
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