Chelou – Halfway to Nowhere

Halfway To Nowhere is a soft indie track, jungle-influenced that balances out perfectly folk guitar and electronic ambiance.

chelou halfway to nowhere

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Chelou, but about a week ago he released Halfway To Nowhere. This is a rather lovely indie track, very sparse and delicate. Halfway To Nowhere balances out perfectly the folk guitar and the electronic ambiance. Its beginning reminds us immediately of those jungle influenced sounds of Glass Animals. That rusty voice though… It really took us back to Nirvana and Kurt Cobain’s vocals.

Funny story: Chelou recorded Halfway To Nowhere lost in Colombia. His only friend was a guitar that counted with one string. Maya Jane Coles found merit in his work and invited him to record in her home studio, taking on production duties herself.

[su_quote]At the time I wrote this track I felt I hadn’t been creative for some time. I did my best to escape to somewhere looking for inspiration, but truthfully the song is based on the frustration I had with my cycle of life at the time. The realization of this track’s potential came from Maya’s production – she picked the recording from a bunch of demos – I remember her laughing because there was a load of interference from my Nokia 3310 mobile all over the recording.[/su_quote]

We are glad this single was brought to daylight as it’s one we can’t stop playing.

Be sure to follow Chelou on all his social media:

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