Terence Ryan – To Live and Die in New England

Terence Ryan fist advance on his debut LP is a song for humanity.

terence ryan meeting of the day

Terence Ryan, a favourite of ours, just released the first advance of his debut album Don’t Panic, and we are once again mesmerised. The song is an homage to New England, which comes from the emotional side of Terence.

[su_quote]Come back home to the ones who raised you all that time in the cold, dark basement all grown up in the face, black and blue the old red line still takes you where you want to.[/su_quote]

To Live and Die in New England is a modern soft rock song, which simplicity resembles the more soft-harsher songs from The Villagers. The video clip is the perfect incarnation of the song, and all together this unmissable.

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